
It has been a while since we've had any real news to report for the WTA but there have been some things going on.

For starters we should probably tell you about the successful February meeting.    But first of all, a huge thanks to Ian Dales for the massive effort he put in to making it all happen. The meeting was very well attended and we'd like to thank all those that gave up their time to attend and especially those that made a presentation. We know that, from the feedback, it was an extremely enjoyable event as well as very fruitful for some who managed to pick up some contract work.

Special mention to those that helped fund this meeting, UK Whitegoods, Independent Service and Masterpart.

From that has sprung quite a number of things such as the possibility of additional spares discount to WTA members from certain spares suppliers, more on that soon we hope.

The code of practise is ongoing and we are getting there but it is a lengthy process to gain OFT approval. However, many thanks to Adrian, Lawrence and Ian for their continued effort in making this happen.

Conference February 2020

conference This year's Conference to be held at the Yarnfield Park venue in February of 2020

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bedroomsRoom tarrif £70/£100 per night (Now includes breakfast and evening 3 course meal).

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